Help and assessment:
By email to or telephone (+34) 622658148 at business hours
Information for users
How to purchase:
Select the product you wish to purchase through our menu of categories and subcategories.
Click on the product you are interested in to see its file where you will be able to see the product, the photographs of the product in detail, its description, the sizes available, its composition, etc.
If you wish to buy a product, click on the button ADD TO THE BAG.
Then, you can continue shopping or go to the BAG to process your order.
If you want to buy more products in Baloo, repeat the process until you add all the products you want to purchase to your cart
To complete your purchase, you have to go to the BAG and click on FINISH THE PURCHASE.
To proceed with the order you will have to sign up on the web page if it is your first purchase or log in yourself if you are registered already at
Once you are registered/identified, check that all the products and the shipping details are correct and click on FINISH THE PURCHASE.
Once the payment process is completed, you will see the summary of your purchase.
Additionally, you will receive an email in order to confirm your purchase and with a summary of it.
General information:
If I forget my password, how can I recover it?
If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it in the MY ACCOUNT section, follow the steps that are indicated and we will send you an email to activate your password again.
How do I know if my purchase has been successfully completed?
When you have completed your purchase, you will receive an email confirming that your purchase has been successfully completed. In addition, in the section MY ACCOUNT you will be able to consult all the orders you have placed. If you do not receive the email or if you have any other problem, you can contact us at
Is it safe to enter my details in the purchase process?
All the information provided by the customers of will be incorporated into a database owned by Baloo, which is only used to process the purchase orders, to facilitate navigation, and to inform through email about special offers and new products that are related to the ones offered on the website. We guarantee that the data provided by customers will not be shared with third parties or companies.